“éf” and “nadřízený” is usually translated as boss in English.
Chief is the head of a Scottish or a native tribe (domorodý kmen) or it can be followed by the preposition “of” meaning you are talking about the head of an institution – e.g. chief of police or chief of staff (éf tábu v armádě).
The word chief is often used in the expression “chief executive”
Chef is the head cook in a restaurant or a restaurant in a hotel.
I´m a highly motivated financial expert with six years of hands-on experience at an international bank. I can offer a successful track record in corporate finance and accounting and I have in-depth knowledge of European, Asian and American accounting procedures. I also can demonstrate proven ability in global investments. My excellent interpersonal skills allow me to communicate at all levels of an organization. Because I attended university in France, I speak French with near-native proficiency. In addition, I have a strong academic background in history, which helps me to understand market developments in context.
Hands-on experience [hændz Én ÉŞkËspÉŞÉrÉŞÉnts] – praktické zkuenosti
Track record [træk ËrekÉËd] – souhrn dosaených výkonů
In-depth knowledge [ÉŞn depθ ËnÉlÉŞdĘ] – hluboká, důkladná znalost
Proven ability [ËpruËvÉn ÉËbÉŞlÉŞtÉŞ] – prověřené schopnosti
Interpersonal skills [ËÉŞntÉËpÉËsÉnÉl skÉŞls] – mezilidské dovednosti
Near-native proficiency [nÉŞÉ ËneÉŞtÉŞv prÉËfÉŞĘÉntsÉŞ] – téměř na úrovni rodilého mluvčího
Academic background [ËækÉËdemÉŞk ËbækËgraĘnd] – akademické vzdělání
Fill in chief, chef or boss:
There are too many _______ and not enough Indians.
Jamie Oliver is one the world most famous _______.
Police / army / fire / health / BBC _______.
I don’t like my husband’s _______.
KEY: 1. chiefs, 2. chefs, 3. chief(s), 4. boss
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